Tag Archives: Elizabethan dolls house




Get a life, kid, get a life

Did you know that there are about 39 mini figures in, on and around this structure?  I say ‘about’ because I’ve still not dressed the two old builders on the back roof and there’s a couple of figures I’m working on for the kitchen – (once I’d prepped the bread maker the kitchen looked lopsided so another small one is to be added I think.)

I couldn’t believe it was so many, but I did a roll call and there they were, or almost.

The idea was to make some sort of chart of which folk are connected; which ones live in the Hall and where they sleep and who the other others are and what they’re doing there.  And 39 it was.

A busy household at a festive time

There’s the main family, the Riddinglys and two others, the Padgets and the deVanders, with family groupings amongst the workers too.

The current Master of the guild is Thomas Riddingly and his uncle Matthew was Master before him.  Thomas’s parents also live in Hogepotche, and Matthew is visiting at the moment.  Thomas has one daughter, Catherine who is widowed and she and her three children live here with the parents and grandparents.

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - the Riddingly family tree

(for John and Jane see The 1616 inhabitants  and From mirror to room
for Thomas and Mary and also Faith see The jobs that time forgot and
A life of their own
for Catherine and Susannah see Woman and child
and for Catherine’s daughters and mother-in-law see The red-headed sisters and
Posh caller from the Low Countries

For many of the other featured folk they can be found in The ins and outs, and postings under the Great Hall and Great Hall extension menus on the ground floor of Hogepotche Hall

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - kitchen stores - the Padget family tree

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - the deVander family tree


Other visitors are Thomas’s sister, Faith and a gossiping neighbour (Philippa Butler) and Catherine’s mother-in-law, Isobel, who has brought her other grandchildren, Will and Susannah with her.

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - other visitors to Hogepotche Hall

The daily workers in Hogepotche Hall

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - kitchen stores - the daily workers in Hogepotche Hall

The clerks can each been found either in the committee rooms of the upper Great Hall or the reception office of the Hall just off the Porch, whilst the other men and the first skivvy are in the Great Hall or the Porch, the middle girl is in the girl’s bedroom and the bucket chucker can be found at
Picking up the box lid wall

Missing from the gallery

theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - figure kneeding bread dough

The unclothed bread maker in the kitchen and a fireside skivvy yet to be assembled, let alone dressed.

On the roof

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - kitchen stores - the Builders on Hogepotche Hall

The builders can be found mostly at Using the roof as a room setting

And on the street

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - kitchen stores - Hogepotche Hall street scene

And the street scenes can be found in and around
Just a little more drying time

More stats for you:  there are eight dogs and, at the moment, seven cats but there’s another on the way possibly.  There are numerous birds in and on the building and a few hens with chicks near the kitchen.  A small village in and of itself?

I think I’ve been consistent in naming throughout and I’ve tested the links.  Hope it works for you 😉

Ah, reality, where art thou?  Oh, there you are.  Not so good eh?  Back to the little people possibly?

Someone’s hidden summer


Garden is brooding and tomatoes don’t know what to do

Whilst I ponder that problem here’s an update of goings on at Hogepotche Hall, just to prove it is all still going on at a frantic pace.


Bread, bucket, felines and another bread cradle


Brick update

Battling on with the brickwork and slowly getting there, though considering other wall coverings for the two long removable sides.  Don’t know what yet but I’m thinking hard.

Main kitchen

There’d been no intention of populating the kitchen but I did want to put out the bread preparation board (yet another item from Mini Things).  Now this board has some bread dough proving under a cloth, some shaped up breads ready for the oven and some bread dough that had been knocked back and was in the process of shaping.  It worried me.  Who would leave the kitchen in the middle of actually shaping bread without covering the lot up again?  Someone needed to be present and thus I went in search of a baker.

theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - bread making items on a board

Board of bread making items by Mini Things

theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - long view of new arrangements

Here she is in a longer shot with the bread cradle knocked together between brick laying and worrying about where the baker had gone.

Must get some clothes on this person.


Butchery and Game


Creating a setting – first run

Sawdust on the floor and apologies to all vegetarians and vegans.

The contents of this store room could almost be described as an homage to the work of Vanessa Percival of Mini Things  (also what I believe is her Etsy shop or on eBay) as the majority of these items are her handiwork, plus one or two items from other miniaturists.

The items are all beautifully made.  Each of these crafts folk make many other wonderful things besides meat but I’ve been making this particular collection when I could, squirreling them away for when they could be set out in the butchery/game store and, at last, here they are.  (Peering at the grainy photos I reckon that rabbit needs to be moved nearer the fowl?)

theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - all three store rooms on this side of building

A long view of all three store rooms on this side so far

What is my work other than the layout and building?  Well I stuck some lolly sticks together and bunged on some legs for the work table and hacked a bit of thickish twig to match the log butcher’s block with the joint of meat that came from Mini Things but this one’s to hold the pile of bones (also from Mini Things).  Oh and the door is more lolly sticks too.

Believe it or not, between bouts of yet more bricklaying I’ve been playing with a relationships/family tree of Hogepotche Hall personnel and their ‘story’.  More of that some other time perhaps.