Category Archives: Odd spaces and corners

for rooms and spaces such as private chapel or still room etc

Springtime in a bowl


A blaze of sunshine

theinfill art deco dolls house blog,theinfillclicks,theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill 1930s-50s Deco House, Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - Medieval Tudor Jacobean dolls house blog - springtime bulbs

A little colour for your eyes

Am working on various mini problems at the moment but the garden calls.

Hibernating animals, now emerging, are in trouble having used up body reserves with the extended end to winter conditions.  We’ve got a somewhat depleted bat, in a box on our doorstep, right now waiting for the local bat rescue and I’m not sure that are garden hedgehog has managed too well either.

Things to do …

Up on the tiles and leads


Round the other side

Not really touched this side much other than to strew some branches hither and thither creating damage on the roof and perch a worker up there.

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - dressing a roof space

Built a pile of wood and tile debris on card base including broken ‘sweepings’ from the bottom of the sea-foam box

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - dressing a roof space

and glu-spot fixed it in place on the flat roof. It seems this guy is satisfied with his work and is now taking a break out of sight of the boss

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - dressing a roof space

Bread, cheese and a leather flask of something interesting

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - dressing a roof space

It’s hard to get a shot against the light and of more than three figures up there at a time. Here we have sandwich man, heave-ho man and ridge sitting man

and the main roof


Bulking up a little

Trees and things

Until now there’s been twigs of various sizes strewn across the back and side roof of the main block.  They were balancing there giving a general look.

The time has come for a little more detailing and some fixing I think.

Sea foam, twigs and a bradawl

The modellers sea foam is very brittle and I believe is usually used with leafage added.

Back up the ladder to find all the bits not yet touched up.

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - using sea foam and twigs

Hanging on looking decrepit cantilevered forward to find the missed bits – well at least some of them. Anything I still miss stays that way 😉