Category Archives: 30s-50s Outdoor

Maintenance day at Nostalgia Close


A short visit to Deco of the 30s and 50s

I always pick a sunny day to do this job and tho today should be a gardening day, Nostalgia Close calls. The main structure is built from a mix of card, foamboard and wood strip sandwiches and I’m keeping an eye on it as don’t know if it will warp etc.

Having been all round it a bit of dusting and checking of elelectrics, who has fallen over and similar tasks are all the maintenance needed I think.  Nothing in the actual vertical structure seems to have warped, tho the MDF base (the only continuous sort of ‘wooden’ area in the build) has bent up at one of the front corners – should have been slightly thicker MDF.  However, the electrics need fixing for the upstairs areas where there is a mix of battery and 12v mains.  There’s two small strips for the plugs for the mains ones and the one that services upstairs is possibly faulty, or one or more of its plugs are so, as that will need more time than I’ve got today, I must at that job to a side list for the future.  If it turns out to be a break in a wire within the structure then I’m afraid it’ll have to stay that way, and if necessary a further LED light could be added here and there perhaps.

While I was at it I re-set-out the house on its table.  This is the slice of cake house, where a quarter of it moves away revealing the other three quarters.  Now I’ve managed to straighten it up a little more, the human eye can catch sight of most of the internal bits without having to move the qaurter slice any further away.


theinfill blog, theinfill dolls house blog – scratch build Nostalgia Close update

The bedrooms are also visible more or less all in one go, with distant view of part of the bathroom down the end of the landing

theinfill blog, theinfill dolls house blog – scratch build Nostalgia Close update

Round the back, the bathroom and kitchen are still viewable thro their own fourth wall door

Make-up and Museum Wax


Nostalgia Close street scene

Finally gathered together all the bits and had great fun putting it all in place.

Getting from here to there – a feline cunning plan?

What else is out for delivery?

Balancing by beetroot

(Ganley is the name of S’s late father’s wholesale green grocery, by the way.)


theinfill blog, dolls house blog, theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill 1930s-50s Deco House, Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - Medieval Tudor Jacobean dolls house blog - street scene

The deckchair has been taken over by one of the small boys. careless about how he leaves his comics.

theinfill blog, dolls house blog, theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill 1930s-50s Deco House, Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - Medieval Tudor Jacobean dolls house blog - street scene

And now we have two friends serenading the street lamp.

One of these dogs doesn’t even have a collar and who knows if either have a dog licence.

So, that’s probably it for Nostalgia Close until Christmas when I’ll light it all up once more 🙂

Back to the much needed sorting.  I’m trying to bottom out everything in the Potting Shed and am, surprisingly, getting somewhere at last.  Have kept putting off the wallpaper and fabric hoard, but will have to go there any minute now before they tumble out all over the place.


Time to post a letter?


Just pop out of the gate

theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill 1930s-50s Deco House, Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - Medieval Tudor Jacobean dolls house blog - GR letter box

George V or VI letter box (I’m not sure) a round-topped one, which I think is meant to be attached to a pole, not just on a pole, but perhaps it was both.  Finally made use of the ‘brickwork’ step added as extra support to the stub of wall by the gate

The post box sits at the other end of the road to the street light

theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill 1930s-50s Deco House, Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - Medieval Tudor Jacobean dolls house blog - GR letter box

In my head I’m working on a little something to fit in along the length of the walling – bits already ordered online –  but it won’t be for the next few days or so – didn’t finish the chores 😦

Once I’d done some research, the making of the box involved a lot of dashing in and out between the domestic jobs I was supposed to be doing, and around the glue and paint drying out at the various stages.  Made with cardboard and edgings in 15 mm wood strip plus painted string for the finer bits.  Worst part was working on what I’ve always taken to be a rain cover over the posting slot.  It is so small I could barely hold it to score and crease it and then, when the area was glued to take it, I couldn’t let go.  Thought I was going to lose it down the posting slot 🙂

There we go


More than a little rough and ready
but up and working

theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill 1930s-50s Deco House, Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - Medieval Tudor Jacobean dolls house blog - street lighting

All asleep in Nostalgia Close

Not very bright, is it, and despite a little yellow colouring it’s still a very blue light – hey hum.  I have, by the way, now sealed off that light bleed around the bobble on the top.  Looks a bit like a white pom-pom on a woolly hat.

Now what?

One or two other things to join with Nipper as part of the street scene I think.

Back to the lamp

The design seems OK but the finish is pretty bad; mostly bits of modelling clay, used at various joining points, that I couldn’t quite remove, the old sticky fingers plus bad moves with a paint brush and, of course, over handling.  The lamp could be replaced by a ‘better’ run at it, but for the moment at least it stays 🙂