Tag Archives: shadows

Some wee person will bang their head …


well not so wee perhaps but even so …

theinfill art deco dolls house blog, theinfill dolls house blog, theinfill 1930s-50s Deco House, Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - Medieval Tudor Jacobean dolls house blog - hallway and landing window - landing wall light

Set at just under the equivalent of 6′ it still looks too low. But when tried that little bit higher it looked very odd to me, so there it now sits at head bopping height set into the small landing return wall.


Shadows on the stairs – window workings


A little something to keep you going

Today has been window work and bad language.  Enough said.  Once the fight was more or less over I took some ‘checking’ photos and quite liked the shadow effect on the window reveals and cill in this one and thought I might share.

theinfill - Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog -  Long Gallery a turn on the stair

A touch of the atmospherics

And yes, that is a blue plastic bag stuck down the stairwell.  I have spent an ‘orrible amount of time chasing minute pieces of this and that as they fall from my hand, ping across the stairwell and tumble down to the floor below.  Now they rest on the bag and only fall when I remove it and then tumble down to the floor below.

Getting there with the externals for the window wall and now need to do the pillars at the top leading into the gallery.  Another day, another piece of wood.