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Sitting down jobs for me!

After making the Clematis kit I realised I needed a little something to go with.  I’ve gone for a couple of hosta kits from Ladies Mile Miniatures.  I’ve never yet managed to grow real hostas satisfactorily.  They never look as perky as the photos and the slugs and snails just love them, so the leaves often look more like fishing nets.

Paper versions are best!

Probably made it too loose and floppy, but it does cover up that raised bed and gives a little more flow to the look of things.  Tomorrow, all being well, I’ll have a go at ‘tother one.

2 responses »

  1. I think that your hosta plants work very well with the clematis, since the climbing plant enjoys its head in the sun but its feet in the shade and the big hosta leaves provide exactly that.

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