Tag Archives: hallway

Trying it out – again


Front of entrance hall needs a door – a man’s home is his castle?  But did he knowingly choose this door?

If you’re detecting some frustration in the captions I apologies.  There’s still a fair way to go with this panel so am reporting in now to prove that I’m still mini-ing away and not creeping off early for the holiday season ✍(◔◡◔)

Am trying out various (unspoken) ideas re what I’d like to see here and getting glue and woodstain everywhere but where it should be, so there’s going to be some more ruined wallpaper to replace – again.  But it’s all great fun and will get there; sometime.  Possibly next year?

Head down and ploughing on … not going to be defeated by a grandiose door thingy

Take care and watch out for each other  ( ◡́.◡̀)(^◡^ )

Towards half a lid


Where were we and where are we?  And, while were at it, what’s it all about?

theinfill dollhouse blog - Arts and Crafts Movement

Lit leafy ceiling, brackets giving heavy neo-gothic railway look

Had the brackets ‘for ever and a day’ and couldn’t find a use for them as so very structurally definite in size and shape.  But at last they have found a home.  Ceiling paper is yet another Morris design run of willow but with slightly red stems; our inhabitant is definitely botanically obsessed.

theinfill dollhouse blog - Arts and Crafts Movement

Welcome to the hall

— ~  – ~ —

PS: post came

theinfill dollhouse blog - Arts and Crafts Movement

Curly-headed cane and puss-cat added
The cat probably will end up in the kitchen/breakfast area but at least I’ll know where he is for the moment

Bit more clarity?


Got a new pair of shoes yesterday — (add any good exclamation you fancy there)

Now, what was I doing?

The long sausage shaped hallway plus small study private area separated by a large windowed wall.

Trying to get a good pic of the study type area is proving awkward but here goes.

And in that hallway

Thought I’d share my most heavily used bits of ‘equipment’ recently which have been –

theinfill dollhouse blog - Arts and Crafts Movement

Best and most effective sanding block shapes I’ve ever had and easy for aging hands to grip and use.

And tatty bits of sponge used for staining, varnishing, cleaning and general messing about and now looking rather sad from wash and re-use.

Comes around goes around

theinfill dollhouse blog - Arts and Crafts Movement

Gothic and now Neo-Gothic. Haven’t I been here before?

Hogepotche Great Hall minstrel gallery and all around the edges; am using the same type of fret cuts here in yet another hallway.

Bit of a dash between everything but here goes with story so far.

Lots to explain and make clearer  – eg: motto on bench I think is from Troilus and Cressida and I copied it from a real bench, the climbing plants are plastic that I’ve wired and applied real pressed (bought) flower heads and sealed them as best as I could, the fern is entirely plastic and the brickwork on the outside of the study type area indicates to me that it’s a part of the jigsaw that overlaps with other brickwork while stonework would indicate that it’s the real exterior.  Don’t know if that makes enough sense so apologies there.

But at the moment there’s also snow to be cleared outside so we can do the weekly shop and, hopefully find a pair of shoes for my old, mis-shappen odd feet – yipeee!