Tag Archives: Elizabethan dolls house

You know you’ve really lost it when …


you find yourself holding miniature hen eggs in a pair of tweezers, carefully feeding them, one at a time, through the bars of the hen coop and into a pool of glue.

Even so, it was good to have finally got round to doing this room after so long ignoring it, even if it is making me go a little fuzzy in the thinking department.

On another part of the planet …

and to get the kinks out of my back from all that stretching and bending, I finally got around to giving the old guy in the other half of the great hall a couple of cushions to lean against on that hard settle and put a carpet or two across the end of the top table too.

theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - great hall and cushions for the settle

That is, hopefully a little more comfy for him. Grainy photo but rather painterly I think.

theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - great hall and carpet for the top table


theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - main kitchen

Return to the main kitchen that looks like it’s been used as storage space for the odd off cut of timber.  That whole area in front of the room is where the storage rooms are being built, so it’s 50 cms of table surface before you reach the front edge of the main kitchen.

Been trying to recall why I’d chickened out of finishing the main kitchen room before now seeing as how I started it five years ago.  Once I’d got down to it this time round, I knew.  It’s the distance to reach the back wall combined with the half crouch posture you’ve got to hold whilst doing it.  A real Ooooouch exercise.

Also it would appear that at the time of deserting the scene I’d broken the homemade fire back and not mended it, so it’s been lying around, all dusty and now has chipped edges.  However, now fixed and, after much muttering, it’s sort of in place.  Ditto the newly made log fire and all the rest of it.  A smallish space – a bit of a domino effect disaster area when setting it up.

Time to dress a few dressers but this floor (real slate) is so dark it’s going to have to have something put on it – rushes and/or rush matting here and there?


Buttery-pantry-ish part the first


Can’t get any further with this store room til the original kitchen i.e. the cooking area is resurrected.  It’s been lying derelict for the best part of five years and needs getting back to its previous state with the addition of all the pots etc that were never added way back when.  Then I should be able to see exactly what’s left that could be stored in the butter-pantry and the corridor outside it.  But here’s a quick update of the story so far.

theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - buttery pantry first part

Straw needed for floor and hopefully some more bits and bobs to go in here too. The leaning bit of wall outside the doorway is to stop the flood of light into the camera when photo taken.

theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - buttery pantry first part and root store

And here’s the two store rooms so far

I always reckoned that the kitchen and allied premises would be the most ‘exciting’ bits to do and I’m glad I saved it till last – it also gave me time to build up a hoard of goodies to dress it all up 😉

Roots fruits and fish


Got the central wall stuck in place at last and one dividing wall creating the root store.

As the spaces are small they need dressing before the ceiling goes on so am planning to post up each room as and when done.

This is a mish-mash of items bought in over the years and home-made bits and pieces.

Today is the roots, fruits and fish department.  It’s so narrow that photo-wise it’s impossible to get a wide view.

theinfill Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - root, fruit and fish store panorama try

And here’s a bad stitch-up to try for a panorama of the small space.  The walls look a little bent and the overhead fruit storage really travels in a straight line from front left to mid back and not in a chevron 😉