Tag Archives: Sycamore

All the wrong leaves


Not a Maple tree

Been taking time to decide what exactly I wanted the other climbing Hydrangea kit to do for the scene so inbetween, I turned to some Maple leaves I’d bought.  Original plan has been to make a large tree at the back overhanging the greenhouse.  Scrapped that in favour or roses, roses everywhere and then wondered if the leaves would do for a faux Virginia Creeper as they are more or less the same colouring and there’s a particularly blank wall that could do with added warmth.  The main drawback to the idea is that Maple is more or less a three in one shape (same family as Sycamore) but VC’s name is Parthenocissus Quinquefolia (five leaved ivy) making it look a little bit like a Horse Chestnut but with a fewer fingered leaf.

We now suspend all rational belief re which plant is which and throw in some greenery I’ve had lying around for some years. Mostly European Holly with the odd ivy leaf that’s fallen off somewhere else and added to give variety and green contrast to all that autumnal colouring.

Still in the middle of the job, altering as I go along but here’s a couple of pics of workings so far.

theinfill blog, theinfill dolls house blog – greenhouse/lean-to

Lengths of dried twig and grasses as branches with some wool for the little ones

theinfill blog, theinfill dolls house blog – greenhouse/lean-to

all lending a little colour and friendly growth around the corner from the garden

I’ve slashed the larger Maple leaves to make it at least three fingered and rolled both small and large around a toothpick to give them a drooping hang when glued in place, giving a Dolly Mixture look to the wall.