

Had sudden urge to dress a figure, though whether it will end up in the bungalow or not is another matter ✍(◔◡◔).  However, I feel all the better for the change.

theinfill dollhouse blog - Arts and Crafts Movement - Bedroom and bathroom

Or perhaps he might be good at greeting us on arrival?  (Really must get someone to sweep this hallway)

As usual, I smashed the solid body of a bought in, pre-made, naked figure and rebuilt him so that he could perhaps be a seated figure.  Did think I might like to seat him in the bathroom, but it seemed a little too silly.

Now, as a standing figure he needs his coat flattening more to his body and holding down, a drop of red on his nose perhaps and I’ll see if I can force a little more flexibility into him too, though I’m pretty sure he will no longer sit with all that cloth in him and certainly won’t sit in the Jane Harrop Morris chair.   He also needs some shirt cuffs adding, now I look at him again.

Something needs a-doing-of with that beard but as yet unsure quite what …


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