Plant kit day


I’m not a petunia planter myself, but they make a fair old display in a small space

theinfill blog, theinfill dolls house blog – greenhouse/lean-to

A very petunia moment

All plant kits used are from The Miniature Garden Kit site or from the same seller but via Etsy.

Am now working on a ivy-leafed geranium kit in red for some wall-mounted pots and I think I’ve still got one further one after that to go in at the front edge of the raised bed.

4 responses »

  1. It’s like a Secret Garden! The petunias are such a pretty colour and they’ll stay in flower longer with a little shade and protection from full sun. The little bird on the watercan is Perfect!!! Did you make him?

  2. After a morning of many, minor Life-Annoyances, it has been a pleasure to relax among your blog’s plantings in the old greenhouse. Thank you.

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