Tag Archives: running repairs

Continuing the same recipe


Holding bits up with one hand
whilst making good with the other

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - clamping false beam to wall

Running repairs before more make-over

I’m always surprised that any of Hogepotche Hall has lasted this long.  And yet, and yet … am now miffed as I gently remodel the women’s sleep area into something else, causing as little disturbance as possible, when a chunk of wood (which I never touched, Your Honour, honestly) falls off the wall.

It would seem that the, recommended, ‘proper wood glue’ though it was when applied five years ago is now giving up on its gluey-ness where its been asked to hold a mock beam to the walls.


Following day

The bed cubby hole looks a bit modern looking but I’m sure someone would have come up with it then too.  Should have been one bed for the two girls but didn’t like the look of it so fiddled about and managed to get a chest tucked in under the top bed which is useful.

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - changing look of a small chest

It’s a small soft wood domed chest from eBay from which the dome has been hacked off (didn’t like the “dominess” after all) and replaced by mock planking, holes drilled for rope handles and the brassy clasp colour taken down with a little pewter paint.  Also scored some plank marks round the body of it – now it looks like a crate with a lid.

Doesn’t look like anything to write home about but it quite nicely and quietly sits there under the back bed hinting at being more than it is.

That battery light

What’s the colour scheme?

I have a colour scheme?  Well let’s see.  What have we got?

theinfill dolls house blog Hogepotche Hall –Hodgepodge Hall - a Medieval, Tudor, Jacobean dolls house blog - looking for colour 3

Stepping back again to view adjoining spaces – hard to judge, should have put the other lights on.

OK, decision time followed by a bit of action:  what combo of colours, size of pieces, finish to edges, what else?  Clothes hanging off pegs in both room spaces, more hanging herbs, the odd pair of clogs and an apron perhaps …