

Room, shadow and boxed diorama
take your pick

I’ve been trawling through paintings for ideas and details for projects using the room boxes I’ve got to hand.   Mostly looking at C16th and C17th Dutch interiors and still life studies (though Van Gogh’s “Potato Eaters”  would fit quite nicely too).

There’s often a mix of a table, a stool, a settle or bench, a basket, occasionally a bed, and, in many of the room interiors, a window and/or doorway helping to light the scene, with the possibility of a figure thrown in here and there.

This listing more or less echoes the stored supplies hiding out on my shelves, which led me to have a run at the mock-up trial of the beginnings of a still life.

I probably won’t be using dead fowl or half a side of venison to dress the table and will stick with glass, china, fruit, cheese, bread, and, if I can get hold of or possibly make, the odd floral tribute wilting away.

Then I still have quite a number of small lidded boxes that might get utilised in similar ways, plus I have a liking for very shallow box dioramas, with a hallway or external back door scene, which might be a good use in a smaller scale boxes.  (see Box Scenes in the Small Projects menu above)

Images page of room boxes, shadow boxes and boxed dioramas

Images page of Dutch still life paintings



2 responses »

  1. What a Great Idea!!!! I think that you could be onto something with this project and I’m looking forward to seeing it!

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